Thrive & Bloom
Safeguarding Policy
1. Introduction
Thrive and Bloom is committed to providing a safe, inclusive, and welcoming environment for all children, parents, and caregivers attending our sessions. The safety and well-being of children are our highest priority.
All children attending Thrive and Bloom sessions must be accompanied by a parent or caregiver at all times. While we take steps to create a safe environment, the responsibility for each child remains with their accompanying adult.
2. Safeguarding Principles
• The welfare of the child is paramount.
• All children have the right to be protected from harm, abuse, and neglect.
• Parents and caregivers play a vital role in ensuring their child’s safety during sessions.
• Concerns about a child’s welfare will be taken seriously and responded to appropriately.
3. Responsibilities
Thrive and Bloom Staff and Facilitators
• Ensure a safe and welcoming environment for all attendees.
• Follow best practices for health and safety, including risk assessments for activities and venues.
• Maintain appropriate professional boundaries with all children and families.
• Be vigilant for any signs of abuse or neglect and follow reporting procedures if concerns arise.
Parents and Caregivers
• Remain responsible for their child’s supervision and safety throughout the session.
• Ensure their child engages in activities safely and appropriately.
• Inform Thrive and Bloom staff of any medical conditions, allergies, or additional needs that may affect their child’s participation.
• Treat staff, other parents, and children with kindness and respect.
4. Health and Safety
• Thrive and Bloom follows venue-specific health and safety policies, including fire evacuation procedures.
• A first aid kit is available on-site, however, in the case of a medical emergency, professional medical assistance will be sought.
• Parents and caregivers must ensure that any personal belongings, including prams and bags, do not create trip hazards.
5. Reporting Concerns
• Any safeguarding concerns should be reported to the session leader immediately.
• If a child is believed to be at immediate risk of harm, emergency services will be contacted.
• Thrive and Bloom will follow appropriate safeguarding procedures, which may include referring concerns to local safeguarding authorities.
6. Data Protection and Confidentiality
• Any personal information shared with Thrive and Bloom, including emergency contact details, will be stored securely and used only in accordance with GDPR regulations.
• Any safeguarding concerns will be handled with sensitivity, and information will only be shared on a need-to-know basis to protect the child’s welfare.
7. Policy Review
This policy will be reviewed annually or sooner if required to ensure it remains up to date with best practices and legal requirements.